Our Experience

YUNI Environmental identifies potential impacts from proposed transmission line routes and infrastructure footprints through wildlife and species-at-risk surveys, habitat modeling, GIS mapping, pre-clearing bird nest searches and amphibian salvaging.

We design environmental monitoring programs , compensation options and implementation plans.

We believe that transmission lines and corridors can provide opportunities through careful planning and management to help improve and enhance important habitat for some species-at-risk.

What We Do

  • Conduct environmental impact assessments to determine best alternate transmission line routes and infrastructure footprints.
  • Conduct baseline inventories and design environmental monitoring programs and implementation plans.

  • Produce species-at-risk habitat modeling and GIS mapping for infrastructure footprints and along transmission line corridors to guide routing and siting.

  • Initiate, manage and submit Applications to the Environmental Assessment Office for Environmental Assessment Certificate approval.

  • Complete pre-clearing wildlife surveys and inventories to guide construction scheduling and minimize wildlife disturbance.

  • Work together with First Nations to incorporate traditional knowledge and development concerns into project goals.

  • Consult with stakeholders to ensure their concerns are addressed responsibly and in an honest and forthright manner.

  • Initiate meaningful dialogue and negotiate equitable partnership agreements with affected First Nations.

  • Design and implement compensation plans and habitats to meet or exceed project sustainability goals.