Some of Our Recent and Repeat Clients
- Alberta Sustainable Resource Development
- AltaLink
- Babine Forest Products
- BC Conservation Data Centre
- BC Conservation Foundation
- BC Hydro
- BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
- BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development
- BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
- BC Timber Sales
- Bird Studies Canada
- Canadian Broadcast Corporation Radio
- Canadian Forest Products Ltd
- Canadian Wildlife Service
- Chartwell Consultants
- City of Victoria
- Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program
- Environment Canada
- FortisBC
- Garry Oak Ecosystem Restoration Team
- Habitat Conservation Trust Fund
- James Island Properties Incorporated
- Kiewit
- Nature Saskatchewan
- Nature Trust of British Columbia
- Pacific Trails Pipeline
- Renewable Power Corporation
- Royal Saskatchewan Museum
- Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment
- Saskatchewan Natural History Society
- Saskatchewan Wetland Conservation Corporation
- Sea Breeze Power Corporation
- Stantec
- Telus Mobility
- Tlell Watershed Society
- Total E&P Canada
- TransCanada Pipeline Ltd
- University of Regina
- Western Forests Products Ltd