Our Experience

YUNI Environmental provides management expertise, baseline data procurement, resource analyses, mitigation attenuation and environmental impact assessment submission services to a variety of independent power projects including: run-of-river hydro, windfarm, biofuel, geothermal, solar and tidal.

We believe that IPPs can provide an opportunity to reduce the carbon footprint of our energy resources if those projects are located and managed in a sustainable manner that incorporates mitigation strategies for wildlife species of concern.

What We Do

  • Work together with First Nations to incorporate traditional knowledge and development concerns into project goals.
  • Consult with stakeholders to ensure their concerns are addressed responsibly and in an honest and forthright manner.

  • Conduct environmental impact assessments to determine best alternate transmission line routes and infrastructure footprints.

  • Conduct baseline inventories and design environmental monitoring programs and implementation plans.

  • Produce species-at-risk habitat modeling and GIS mapping for infrastructure footprints and along transmission line corridors to guide routing and siting.

  • Initiate, manage and submit Applications to the Environmental Assessment Office for Environmental Assessment Certificate approval.

  • Complete pre-clearing wildlife surveys and inventories to guide construction scheduling and minimize wildlife disturbance.

  • Initiate meaningful dialogue and negotiate equitable partnership agreements with affected First Nations.

  • Design and implement compensation plans and habitats to meet or exceed project sustainability goals.