Some of Our Recent and Ongoing Projects

Alberta Sustainable Resource Development

  • Developed Northern Goshawk nesting habitat model for northeast Alberta.


  • Conducted songbird, burrowing owl and amphibian species-at-risk surveys for proposed transmission lines.

BC Conservation Data Centre

  • GIS mapped and compiled observation data for plant and bird species-at-risk.
  • Determined breeding statuses and described habitat needs for various species-at-risk.

BC Hydro

  • Co-wrote preclearing bird nest search protocols for Site C.
  •  Identified avian management issues relating to proposed windfarm project.
  • Conducted songbird point counts and habitat assessments along transmission line corridors.

BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy

  • Wrote guidance document for proposed Wildlife Habitat Features legislation.
  • Coordinated the proposed IWMS update and developed criteria for adding new species.
  • Developed provincial BMPs for maintaining and enhancing wildlife habitat features.
  • Developed criteria for Regionally Important Wildlife strategy and wrote draft species accounts.
  • Facilitated workshop for Ministry staff to develop VECs for proposed BC Hydro Site C dam.
  • Coordinated the province-wide implementation of FRPA Section 7 objectives.
  • Developed provincial silviculture BMPs and restoration standards for enhancing wildlife habitat.

BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development

  • Contributed to modeling and communication efforts for the Cumulative Effects Framework.
  • Developed public communications for the Together for Wildlife program.
  • Developed website content and design for Information, Innovation and Technology division.
  • Coordinated wildlife inventories and habitat assessments for proposed cutblocks.
  • Developed Northern Goshawk habitat suitability model for northwest coastal BC.

BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure

  • Conducted EIAs and produce habitat ratings maps for twinning project of the TransCanada.

Canadian Forest Products Ltd

  • Conducted Marbled Murrelet dawn and radar surveys and habitat assessment plots.
  • Developed Northern Goshawk nesting habitat model and GIS habitat ratings map.
  • Developed standards for cutblock wildlife tree and coarse woody debris retention densities.

Canadian Wildlife Service

  • Produced Marbled Murrelet protocols and workshop for identifying critical habitat.
  • Wrote data gap analysis for the identification of critical habitat for Marbled Murrelet.
  • Wrote EIA for songbird populations along the proposed Mackenzie Valley LNG pipeline.
  • Wrote 25 songbird species accounts for the Boreal Avian Monitoring Project website.

Coastal GasLink Ltd

  • Conducted pre-clearing songbird nest searches and Marbled Murrelet surveys along LNG pipeline.
  • Conducted amphibian salvaging along various sections of LNG pipeline.
  • Conducted wetland and wildlife habitat rating assessments along LNG pipeline route.


  • Wrote the draft COSEWIC status report for the Northern Goshawk laingi subspecies.


  • Conducted amphibian salvaging along several LNG pipeline routes.
  • Conducted pre-clearing and songbird point counts along proposed LNG pipeline route.
  • Trained FortisBC crews to conduct songbird nest search surveys along pipeline right-of-ways.


  • Conducted pre-clearing bird nest searches for run-of-river hydro project.

Pacific Trails Pipeline

  • Conducted pre-clearing bird nest surveys along proposed LNG pipeline.
  • Conducted amphibian surveys ad salvaging along LNG pipeline route.
  • Wrote park permit application for proposed LNG pipeline to cross through a provincial park.

Renewable Power Corporation

  • Wrote application sections for EI Certificate for 5 proposed run-of-river power projects.

Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment

  • Inventoried, banded and studied the effects of Carbofuran on burrowing owl populations.
  • Coordinated songbird surveys and forest vegetation analysis in northern Saskatchewan.

Saskatchewan Wetland Conservation Corporation

  • Coordinated and conducted Piping Plover surveys at various southern Saskatchewan basins.
  • Conducted shorebird surveys for basins to qualify for WHSR status in southern Saskatchewan.

Sea Breeze Power Corporation

  • Conducted nocturnal songbird and bat radar surveys for proposed windfarm.
  • Completed species-habitat assessments for proposed windfarm transmission lines.
  • Conducted songbird point count surveys along proposed power transmission lines.

Telus Mobility

  • Conducted EIAs for proposed cellular and communication towers.

Total E&P Canada

  • Conducted bird species-at-risk environmental impact assessment for a proposed oil sands site.

Western Forests Products Ltd

  • Conducted Northern Goshawk call playback surveys and monitored known nest territories.
  • Conducted songbird point counts, road transects and spot mapping surveys.
  • Assessed use of planted standing snags by primary cavity nesters in harvested cutblocks.